Monday, December 12, 2011

'Santwanam' for poor farmer families-Discussion

Dear friends...

It is true that a social problem like farm suicides demands political and government interventions.But it is equally true that we can help atleast a few,so that they may be provided with a support,however little it may be.

In the last one and half month,9 farmers have committed suicide in wayanad itself.There was 18 farm related suicides all over kerala in the same period.

Farmers in wayanad is highly dependent on cash crops,whose prices fluctuates in response to global market pressures.Farmers owes debts to banks and local money lenders which they are unable to repay,due to crash in prices of their crops.They are in viscious circle of debt and alcoholism.Less return of their produce and growing debts makes them desperate ,and in turn leads to high level of alcoholism.

Out of 9 effected families we have identified 2 of them,which are most weak ecnomically.One of them is in 'mullankolly' near sultan battery and other is in 'vellamunda',nearby manathavady.We have decided to help them with an amount of 1000/- monthly, till our completion of course.

Please come up with valuable suggestion which can make our'santwanam' more meaningful.
Thanks and regards..


  1. Good Initiative... 100% support frm my side...

  2. Efforts like these are commendable which inculcate social comitment. This should be given wide publicity.But it is pathetic that our medias,including social networks are more interested in spreading useless private affairs /scoops of diginatories. you guys are role models to our student community.
